Items of Want 052

I’ve been searching for a solid shell that can handle the elements but not make it seem as if I’m headed on a multi-day backpacking trip, and I think this is it. To be honest, I really want the one in burnt orange but I’m not sure if I could pull it off.

James Brand the Benton LTD

James Brand offers a refreshing design on everything they make and I’d be more than thrilled to put this pen in my everyday carry rotation. And it looks like it comes with some awesome custom Field Notes notebooks. Those green pages for staple day…


After an early Winter storm brought a ton of slush, I realized I desperately needed to up my boot game, as walking the dog with wet socks is no fun. To be fair, I guess technically he’s barefoot but we tried putting boots on him and he hated it. Long story short: I’m not as tough as my dog.

Olympia Provisions Grande Charcuterie Basket

The holidays are here and even though I enjoy my solitude, it’s the perfect time to get together with friends and family. This basket could really take that “together time” to the next level. And you know what would be extra awesome? Hiking this basket up to the top of a mountain and enjoying it at the summit. You’re sure to make some new friends at least.

klokers KLOK-01 - Desk&Pocket

klokers has really come up with an especially fun way of displaying the current time. And if you know me at all, you won’t be surprised that I love how this desk/pocket watch can easily become the main subject of show and tell. Once I get done parading it around the lecture circuit, I’d most likely leave it in my home office as a permanent timepiece on my desk. Truly an interesting take on displaying time.

— Check out past Items of Want —